Summoner: A Comprehensive Guide :

Greetings, fellow gamers! In this journal article, we will be delving into the world of Summoner. Whether you are new to the game or a seasoned player, this guide is designed to help you improve your gameplay and climb the ranks. We will cover everything from the basics of Summoner to advanced tactics and strategies. So sit back, grab a snack, and let’s get started!

What is Summoner?

Summoner is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Riot Games. The game was first released in 2009 and has since become one of the most popular esports games in the world. In Summoner, players control a character called a “champion” and work with their team to destroy the enemy team’s Nexus, a structure located in the enemy base.


There are over 150 champions in Summoner, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. Champions are divided into different classes based on their role in the game. The classes are:

Class Description
Mage Champions who deal magic damage from a distance.
Assassin Champions who excel at taking down enemy champions quickly.
Tank Champions who have high health and are able to soak up damage for their team.
Support Champions who provide utility for their team, such as healing and crowd control.
Marksman Champions who deal physical damage from a distance.
Fighter Champions who have a mix of damage and durability.

Each champion also has a unique set of abilities that can be upgraded throughout the game by earning gold and experience points. It is important to choose a champion that fits your playstyle and complements your team’s composition.

Game Modes

Summoner has several game modes, each with its own objectives and rules. The most popular game mode is Summoner’s Rift, where two teams of five players battle to destroy the enemy team’s Nexus. Other game modes include:

  • ARAM (All Random All Mid) – a one-lane map where players are assigned a random champion.
  • Twisted Treeline – a three-player map with two lanes.
  • Howling Abyss – a one-lane map where players are assigned a random champion and can only return to base when they die.

Gameplay Basics


In Summoner’s Rift, the objective is to destroy the enemy team’s Nexus. To do this, players must advance through three lanes, each with its own set of turrets and inhibitors that must be destroyed before reaching the Nexus. Along the way, players must also kill neutral monsters to earn gold and experience points.

It is important to communicate with your team and coordinate your efforts to achieve these objectives. Focusing on objectives rather than just kills is key to winning the game.

Items and Gold

Gold is earned by killing minions, monsters, and enemy champions. This gold can be used to purchase items that improve a champion’s stats and abilities. It is important to choose items that complement your champion’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the current situation in the game.

Experience Points and Levels

Experience points are earned by killing minions, monsters, and enemy champions. When a champion reaches a certain amount of experience points, they level up and gain access to new abilities. It is important to level up as quickly as possible to stay ahead of the enemy team.

Advanced Tactics and Strategies

Team Composition

Choosing the right team composition is crucial to winning in Summoner. A balanced team typically consists of a tank, a marksman, a mage, a fighter, and a support. However, there are many different team compositions that can be successful depending on the situation.

It is also important to communicate with your team and coordinate your efforts. This can be done through the in-game chat system or voice communication software such as Discord.

Map Awareness

Map awareness is the ability to keep track of what is happening on the map and make informed decisions based on that information. This includes knowing the location of enemy champions, wards, and objectives such as Dragon and Baron Nashor.

Wards are items that can be placed on the map to provide vision of the surrounding area. It is important to have good vision control to prevent the enemy team from sneaking up on you or taking objectives uncontested.


Teamfighting is when both teams engage in a battle. It is important to position yourself correctly and focus on the high-priority targets, such as enemy carries and mages. Crowd control abilities can also be used to disable the enemy team and give your team the advantage.

Objective Control

Controlling objectives such as Dragon and Baron Nashor can give your team a significant advantage. Dragon provides various buffs depending on which elemental dragon is killed, while Baron Nashor provides a buff that enhances your team’s abilities and makes it easier to push into the enemy base.

It is important to coordinate with your team and make sure you have vision control before attempting to take an objective. It is also important to be aware of the enemy team’s location and make sure you are not caught off guard.


What is the best way to improve at Summoner?

The best way to improve at Summoner is to practice regularly and analyze your gameplay. Watch replays of your games and look for areas where you can improve. It is also helpful to watch professional players and learn from their gameplay.

How do I choose which champion to play?

Choose a champion that fits your playstyle and complements your team’s composition. It is also important to consider the enemy team’s composition and choose a champion that can counter their strengths.

How do I communicate with my team?

You can communicate with your team through the in-game chat system or voice communication software such as Discord. It is important to communicate effectively and coordinate your efforts.

How do I improve my map awareness?

Improving your map awareness takes practice and attention to detail. Make a habit of checking the minimap frequently and keeping track of enemy movements. Placing wards can also help provide vision and improve your map awareness.

What is the best way to win in Summoner?

The best way to win in Summoner is to focus on objectives and work together as a team. Communicate effectively, choose a balanced team composition, and coordinate your efforts to achieve your objectives.


Summoner is a complex and challenging game, but with practice and dedication, anyone can improve their gameplay and climb the ranks. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable information and strategies to help you succeed in Summoner. Remember to communicate effectively, work together as a team, and focus on objectives to achieve victory. Good luck and have fun!

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